My Personal Beauty Portrait Session.

I definitely wanted to reschedule this session several times.  

I remember the day I heard a beauty photographer speak about her self love journey and how she wanted to help women feel beautiful and powerful.  It wrecked me.  I’m pretty sure I cried the rest of the presentation.   Something inside awakened that day and I knew I would be photographing strong women this year. 

I want to feel beautiful and powerful.  

I want to help women feel beautiful and powerful. 

What if I could do that with them.  What if I could encourage them, see them, and document their beauty?  

I knew I could only do this by experiencing a session for myself.  This is how I would be able to photograph women with an understanding.  

It honestly terrified me but I could feel the excitement there too.  I purchased the outfit that felt like a “future me”.  I decided to also wear a dress that made me feel so beautiful and special.  

After hair & makeup finished and I put my “future Shelley” outfit on, I looked in the mirror.  I felt good, I felt strong, I felt sexy.  I also started to pick things apart about myself.  I looked in the mirror and thought In 5 years your going to look back and think, “why was I so hard on myself, look how pretty I was.”  I wanted to do that today.  I wanted to appreciate myself now and never look back.  

It’s been 3 months since my photoshoot.  

Here is what I learned for myself. 

The Day I showed up and did something scary and vulnerable, became the day I now remember as life changing.   

For a very long time, it’s been hard for me to show up anywhere. This part would take too long to write, so if you want to know, let’s grab coffee and chat! 

For so long I felt incapable of many things but now I have a solid memory, with physical proof that I can visually and emotionally experience whenever I want.  I now use this experience as an anchor, something that holds my thoughts accountable to my new self-perception, reminding me; I am allowed to take courage and do something that scares me with the potential of it feeling this good on the other side!

This memory acts as a seed of my new self which I can plant in other areas of my life to draw forth more courage and abundance! 

I want to share that experience with others now.  

I want to show you the transformative potential in expressing yourself in a new way. 

I don’t want to just make you feel beautiful, I want to guide you through my process which helps identify the natural beauty within you and then use the art of intentional photography to give you the chance to express that delicate and powerful side of yourself in a safe environment. 

If you feel like I’m talking to you, then maybe today is the day to start a conversation about your deepest inherent beauty. 

I’d love to get to know you a little better.

Learn more about Shelley’s 40 over 40 project here.

Ready to book your beauty portrait session?

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Or contact us here!


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